Monday, June 13, 2011

Adventures in Sewing... Curtains: Day One

I did it.
I busted out the the sewing machine. I am now well on my way to being a contestant on Project Runway.
I never really sewed before.. except by hand.
My latest was LB's Halloween costume:

On Sunday, we took a trip to JoAnn's Fabric. I bought 6 different types of fabric.. 2 types for LB's room, 1 for our spare bedroom, and then some tulle. (Can you say 'happy birthday tutu'?)

Fabric? Check.
Sewing Machine? Get out of basement. Still in unopened box.
Try to read 'quick' instructions.
There were instructions for 'Upper Threading' and 'Preparing the Bobbin Thread'...
Well, I didn't have a bobbin, so I decided to do the upper threading....
About 30 minutes later, I successfully upper threaded the machine.
Then I went into the instruction booklet (not to be confused with the 'quick' instructions), and it said something about how I had to pull the lower thread and upper thread... Wait. What 'lower thread'?
So... I googled "Do I need a bobbin when using a sewing machine?"  The answer was clear: Yes, you stupid idiot.
Oh.. Well, I don't have a bobbin. What IS a bobbin?

Maybe at this point I should stop.
Just to inform you that in high school, I put off Home Economics for my senior year.. I wanted fun classes for my last year...  And as luck would have it, our Home Economics teacher resigned at the end of my junior year, and they never replaced her.  I never got to sew a pillow or shorts or stuffed animals or anything. I didn't get to cook or whatever else you do in that class.  (That would probably have been a good class for a future homemaker to take? See Jerk Face? It's not my fault!)

Back to the story at hand.
The bobbin. I found a little pouch of sewing machine goodies hidden in a compartment (that you can take off to sew something like a sleeve! GENIUS!).. So I threaded the bobbin, and then found out how to properly install it... which is where I found another bobbin.... You got me, sewing machine! You got me!

Now we're all threaded and ready to go. I pin my fabric... using my tomato pin cushion thingy that I ALSO got from Santa.. and I start sewing.
Whoa! It just takes the fabric like that's its job! I don't even need to hold it! Wait! Yes I do... as I rip out a few stitches...  
I decide I'm pretty good... I get a little cocky.

KSK: Hey Jerk Face! You know that movie, The Sound of Music?
Jerk Face: Yeah...?
KSK: I could be making the curtains that someone will make into a dress!
Jerk Face: *sighs*

I folded in and sewed all of the edges on two panels of fabric. And now I'm going to fold them in half (because I want them to make her room as dark as possible)...  And that's where I realize that I am an idiot. Again....
Because, I think I should've folded it in half and sewed it (inside out) first... now I have two gigantic panels with the edges sewed in...
Jerk Face (who TOOK home economics) laughed at me.  Hmph!
So that's where I'm at right now. 
I think I'm just going to go with it. I thought about ripping out the seams and starting over, but...? Nah!
As Tim Gunn says: "Make it work."

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