Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just Some Small Talk about Dr. Brian...

Dr. Brian was the doctor who performed my wisdom tooth surgery. I had to go back today for them to remove the "clove paper" that he shoved in my dry socket.
Dr. Brian's a nice lookin' fella, and I tease Jerk Face that I'm leaving him for the good doctor...

"Dr. Brian asked me for my number..."
(which was a lie.. but I like to tease Jerk Face)

Jerk Face:
"I bet it was his assistant..."

"You say assistant, I say 'wingman'..."


Emmy said...

Lol! Dentists do make good money- or so I hear. ;)

Steph said...


Just Jinny said...

You could have said 'Yeah, and she was HOT'. lol. I'm assuming the assistant was a chick..very sexist of me.

Shell said...

Ha! That's one way to look at it!

Helene said...

I'm still stuck on the part of the sentence where you said the cute doctor shoved something in your dry socket.

Geez, I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

Raven said...

hahaha wingman, love it. Can I also say that I also had dry sockets and I just remember them shoving the tube thingy in my dry sockets? I was bawling. It hurt SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!

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