At 530a I knew what my post was going to be for WILW....
Last night... UGH! last night!....
We don't have LB on a schedule. I'm a SAHM (Stay at home mom - for some of my
Anyways... back to last night... She fell asleep after 1/2 a bottle.. (HOORAY!).. I put her in her crib, and she rolled onto her side! SO CUTE! It's something that she started doing about 2 weeks ago, and then when I decided to bring up a camera... she stopped - OF COURSE! ..Did I bring up a camera last night? NO! *frowny face* One day, LB, one day...
So, I was back downstairs before 10, Jerk Face and I were able to watch one of our shows we DVR'd... (we've been getting really bad at that... we were at 100% yesterday, and lost one of our 'An Idiot Abroad' shows... ever watch that? HILARIOUS! ...and educational.. *wink*)
We went to bed around 10:30p... well, Jerk Face went to bed.. LB decided to wake up -- which is fine with me... better at 10:30p, than at 4:30a! I rocked her back to sleep, went to put her in her crib... and she awoke.. ugh. ok LB. Rocked her again, but this time, she wasn't falling for it.. She was AWAKE and wanted to stay that way...
By 12:45a and an entire 8oz bottle later, I was back in my room, and trying to drift off into dream land. At 1:27a, my 'alarm' went off. How can this be? I know she wasn't hungry - she just polished off 1 1/2 bottles, she had a fresh diaper, her two teeth had already broke through... She HAD to be tired... So, I went back in to see what was the matter.. I picked her up, when she promptly fell asleep.... OY! You Turd! I rocked her for good measure, and about 30 minutes later I was in bed again....
530a... That dang alarm! I must of mumbled a few choice words... Jerk Face awoke this time, and BLESS HIS HEART! Told me to go back to sleep, he'll put her back to bed! I could've cried! I was so tired!!!
Although, I couldn't sleep because
She went back to sleep, Jerk Face told me that he trapped Mojo on the other (litter) side of the baby gates -- so he couldn't go upstairs and scratch and meow at the doors (a favorite early morning past time of his..)-- then he went on his run... I woke up at 9:30a *HALLELUJAH* and LB slept until 10a!!! I had an entire 1/2 hour to myself!!!
So, this Wednesday?
This Wednesday I'm loving Jerk Face!!!
(..and that 1/2 hour by myself this morning!)
(and I'm loving this picture of him.. it's from his Marine days in NC - found it on my phone!)
What are you loving? Go Link Up!
Nice post.
I'm currently loving peanut butter M&Ms.
Yay for your thoughtful husband!
awe... what a love!
Thanks for visiting my blog today!!!
what a wonderful husband! now you just have to train him to get up for you the first five times!
You are the cutest mommy ever!!
Hope you had a great weekend!!
Oh man, the darn cat, huh? I remember those days when the babies would still be sleeping but the damn cat would wake me up!!! There were mornings I wanted to throw her against a wall!!!
Aww, what a sweet guy! My baby went through that phase a while ago... sleeping instantly if I picked her up, and waking up instantly whenever I put her down. NOT so very fun in the middle of the night!
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